Saturday, May 2, 2009

I'm Back. . .

I have neglected my blogging duties. . .I apologize profusely to my thousands of followers who religiously read my blog entries. Haha. Well, to be honest, when I first thought about blogging it seemed like a great way to keep track of my experiences in the Peace Corps but it soon became a daunting task instead. Here I am, about four months away from what should be my close of service date and I haven't written hardly anything about my time here. I am a later bloomer and I'll be damned if I'm going to try and catch up on every detail of the last two years. . .not that I don't probably have the time to do it. In any case, I am going to back track a bit and pick out the memorable pieces of the last two years and attempt to piece them together humpty-dumpty style.

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