When I was accepted into the Peace Corps I thought, "That's it! My partying days are over. . .for now." I was sure that my new status as a representative for the United States of America would require that I be a mature, responsible, no flip-cup playing, no beer-bonging, no toga wearing individual. In order to compensate for all the non-drinking I would be doing during my two years as a volunteer I made sure to tie one on in the nights leading up to my departure from Seattle. It never occurred to me that people in the Caribbean, men especially, have no qualms about drinking rum at 8:00 in the morning. It never occurred to me that no matter where you are in the world, or what it is that you're doing, when you have a group of 20-somethings who are fresh out of college, it is inevitable that a rousing game of flip cup or kings will be played at some point in an effort to get completely and totally blitzed. Now, please don't misunderstand. . .most of us work very hard at the jobs that we do and we don't act like a bunch of college students on Greek row all the time, but like anybody else, we need fun too.
The first party we had was at my house for Halloween 2007. Fellow PCV and friend Lauren and myself planned this party for weeks in advance from decorations to costumes. It was especially important that this particular party be amazing since we were all feeling a bit nostalgic and sad about being in a country that doesn't celebrate this "holiday." Long story short, the party was amazing and a I do believe that some memorable moments were made during a game of farkle. Paul ate a grasshopper, Alex splashed her face with toilet water, and there were other things that would make a linebacker blush but I won't mention them here.
Since that Halloween party, we have had others such as the white t-shirt/graffiti/moustache/my 25th birthday party, a toga party, a Mexican theme party with the new E.C.79 volunteers, the Halloween 2008 party, and finally St. Patty's Day, Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day parties. All fanstastically great times with good food and good friends.
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