In February of 2009 we finally got our new group of Peace Corps Volunteers on Grenada! It was a long awaited arrival considering that we were expecting them to come in August of'08, but that didn't happen due to budget cuts and restructuring of the training program. In any case, they're here now so HOORAY! I'm not going to lie. . .I was like a 007 trying to figure out who these new volunteers were before they got here. I was able to figure out who a couple of them were and I Facebook stalked them until the day their little feet landed on Grenadian soil. I'm not ashamed, but as I'm sure they will feel when it is their time, I have grown to love Grenada as my own and I wasn't about to have any crazies up in here!! (At least not without warning.) Luckily, they're all great! We started out with eight volunteers and one dropped at the orientation in Miami, and another early terminated right after swearing in. As of June, we are down to six E.C.79 volunteers, all with their own talents and it seems that they have easily integrated into Grenadian life.

As is traditional when new PCV's swear in, we threw a couple parties for them to celebrate their first night of freedom away from their homestays. The first one was on a weeknight right after the ceremony so it was more of a relaxed atmosphere with no real craziness to speak of. Don't you worry though. . .when that Friday rolled around, we had the big blowout at my house. It was a Mexican theme because we were including Karla's (new PCV) birthday celebration and well, she's Mexican so it only seemed right that we should latch onto every heinous Mexican stereotype that we could think of and make a party of it. Inluded was a pinata, a bucket of margaritas, many tequila shots, and some creative, (yet slightly offensive,) costumes.

So to EC79. . .welcome and congratulations!! We're happy to have you join our dysfunctional family!
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