Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Spice Mas 2k9

Monday, August 10, 2009
So Long. . .Farewell!!
After an exhausting six day camp with the boys at the home (see last blog) we decided it would be an opportune time for the E.C.77 farewell party. We were able to foresee, as anyone would know if they've ever been a camp couselor, that we would be completely and utterly exhausted. . .too tired to party. Ha! Not a chance. We said good bye the boys, took a nap, and off we were again into the bush (a.k.a. woods) of Victoria. The E.C.79 group organized our farewell and it was a pleasant occassion highlighted by a bonfire, food, drinks, shish-ka-bobs, and a clever roast that included each volunteers lasting legacy. The highlight of my night was playing "Waah" which is a rousing game that takes not only deep concentration, but the skills of a ninja. Okay, so really. . .we were a group of 20-something year old Peace Corps Volunteers standing in a circle deep in the bush, pointing at each saying "Waaaaaaaahhhhhh" and laughing hysterically. I'm sure the two Grenadians present for this display of childlike glee must have thought us quite strange, but what's new? Though the party ended a bit early, the 77's were able to say a few words about their time in Grenada and what it has meant to them. I won't get into here, but overall it was a humbling reminder of just how much we have all grown as individuals and just how lucky we were to have had such an awesome group of volunteers to call friends.
On August 1st, we said good-bye to Kris who was the first volunteer to return home. Soon enough E.C.77 will be a thing of the past and Peace Corps will be but a fond memory.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I'd Like to TAP That!
This year TAP Camp took place the third week of July and lasted six days. There were 21 boys and 14 counselors, plus a few members of staff who decided to partake in certain activities. We filled the schedule with various activities like kite making, a scavenger hunt, soccer, cricket, egg drop, arts and crafts, river and sea baths, and a talent show, (which usually involves a male counselor cross dressing and embarassing himself by demonstrating various technical dances such as "the sprinkler." ) Best of all, however, was the counselors' contribution to the talent show; a rendition of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance. We learned the basic moves and put together a routine, and within 30 minutes we were in the middle of the main road performing for the boys who love MJ! I would say it went well considering that we are not at all professional dancers, as was evident upon reviewing the video of our performance. Haha! We had a great time doing it though and the boys loved it. . .I think.
By the last day of camp we were all exhausted and in desperate need of sleep and shish-ka-bobs (inside joke) but I would not trade this week for anything. It warmed my heart in unspeakable ways to see the boys showered with so much love and attention during camp. They deserve this kind of affection everyday of the year but unfortunately, more often than not, they do not receive it. The boys came up with the camp theme for this year which was "Yes We Can!" and I cannot say enough how fitting this is for the circumstances in which I find myself in relation to the home. Everything I know and feel about these amazing boys was reaffirmed during this week and because of this. . .I will march on.