This blog entry will probably not be as exciting as the title would make you believe. . .but that is kind of the point. The ol' bait and switch routine!! TAP is an acronym for the Tufton Adventure Project which is the outdated name for the Father Mallaghan's Home for Boys. A few years ago, Peace Corps volunteers created and organized what would become an annual camp for the boys living at the home. It is an event that the boys look forward to all year long and usually, before the camp week is even halfway over, they're asking when the next camp will be. Various companies on the island sponsor and donate in order to make these six days possible and without them the camp would've died out long ago.

This year, PCV Kristopher Crown had the enormous task of organizing the camp from soliciting sponsors to organizing the schedule. Kris is a man who likes to do things himself and we let him, although we paid for it dearly throughout the week of camp by falling victim to his sleep deprivation-induced tantrums. Don't worry. . .I can talk smack about Kris like this because we're buddies. :)

This year TAP Camp took place the third week of July and lasted six days. There were 21 boys and 14 counselors, plus a few members of staff who decided to partake in certain activities. We filled the schedule with various activities like kite making, a scavenger hunt, soccer, cricket, egg drop, arts and crafts, river and sea baths, and a talent show, (which usually involves a male counselor cross dressing and embarassing himself by demonstrating various technical dances such as "the sprinkler." ) Best of all, however, was the counselors' contribution to the talent show; a rendition of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" dance. We learned the basic moves and put together a routine, and within 30 minutes we were in the middle of the main road performing for the boys who love MJ! I would say it went well considering that we are not at all professional dancers, as was evident upon reviewing the video of our performance. Haha! We had a great time doing it though and the boys loved it. . .I think.

As is tradition, we took the boys camping at Bathway Beach on the very last night. As is also tradition, we made Oil Down, Tania Log, Bakes, and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. This is by far the highlight of the week for the counselors as it gives us a day to relax and be with the boys in a less structured environment. The best part of this night was laying on the grass with the other counselors and some of the boys. We made a belly chain where each person laid their head on someone else's belly. The sky was really clear so we all just laid in the grass staring up at the stars. All I could think about was how much I am going to miss the boys when I leave Grenada in September but how lucky I was to have had them in my life at all.

By the last day of camp we were all exhausted and in desperate need of sleep and shish-ka-bobs (inside joke) but I would not trade this week for anything. It warmed my heart in unspeakable ways to see the boys showered with so much love and attention during camp. They deserve this kind of affection everyday of the year but unfortunately, more often than not, they do not receive it. The boys came up with the camp theme for this year which was "Yes We Can!" and I cannot say enough how fitting this is for the circumstances in which I find myself in relation to the home. Everything I know and feel about these amazing boys was reaffirmed during this week and because of this. . .I will march on.
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